I have to admit I was one of the millions that complained about the way things were in our “system” but never went to those that had been elected by “the people” to do something about it. It is like any other relationship. If you don’t let them know how you feel you can’t expect them to read your mind and just do what you think they should do.
I decided that it’s better to be a part of the solution rather than part of the problem so I started calling and I am really excited to have our first 4 “guests” Mayor Tipple, Representative Heaton, Senator Tiffany and Congressman Sean Duffy’s Representative Pat Snyder to be speaking at our Mental Health & Substance Abuse Challenges and Solutions Online Teleseminar on December 8th. In light of Impaired Driving Awareness Month we will have a special focus on that issue.
Our political leaders will be sharing the air waves with seven “change agents” that have picked up their torch and will be sharing it with us their experiences, challenges and solutions to the many areas that need to be addressed in our social service system.
We WILL move forward in finding new solutions and we WILL save lives who would have otherwise died. This teleseminar series is just beginning but it will continue on a regular basis until those with mental health substance abuse disorders are valued, respect, empowered, supported and given HOPE for the future. We will keep talking to our leaders and keep interviewing experts and keep looking for solutions until we have all the housing and services that we need to keep people safe from themselves and others and happy and productive in life.
So sign up and join us! Get with the movement. You CAN make a difference and you ARE making a difference but is it the kind of legacy you want to leave? If not, get on board with my “leave your legacy” coaching program and let me help you figure it out!
Jason and I would both love to have you a part of our team!! Sign up to get there by coming to this teleseminar. Here is the link to get signed up!
Tune in Tuesday December 8th for an awesome group of speakers!