STEP 1- We admitted we were powerless over our addictions (problems) and that our lives had become unmanageable.
Expectations are pre-meditated resentments. Whether it’s at work, home, school or anyplace, conflict is inevitable. WHY? Because we are born with the “it’s all about me” thing! We are taught from many different places what we should expect in life. Two problem words in that sentence are “should” and “expect” because both of them will cause us lots of grief.
We learn that we SHOULD be treated with respect but who determines what that means? Respect is in the eye of the beholder so their perception becomes my reality!
Unfortunately we haven’t been taught very positive ways of dealing with bad feelings and that is where all conflicts, divorce, abuse, murders, addictions, suicides and wars come from. We want what we want when we want it and if we don’t get it somebody will pay and we pay the highest price ourselves. Do I expect too much from myself and others?
God works ALL things together for the good for those that love him and are called according to his purposes” Romans 8:28.
God help me to accept when things don’t go MY WAY. Help me to realize that I am powerless over people, places and things that can upset me and that if I want serenity, I can’t afford to think about what I want things to go when this recovery program teaches me to pray ONLY for the knowledge of YOUR will and the power to carry that all. It’s not about Me…it’s about you Lord!
When life presses in…I am with you. When people disappoint you…I am with you…When things don’t go your way…I am with you…When you mess up…I am with you.. I am with you until the end of your earthly life and then through all eternity. I will NEVER leave you or forsake you! You are battling forces greater than yourself so just stop trying to fight this battle because you can’t win…I can…let me. I love you!