miracle-picThe Oxford Dictionary includes in it’s synonyms for miraculous, words like : supernatural · preternatural · inexplicable amazing · astounding · remarkable · extraordinary · incredible unbelievable · sensational · marvelous · phenomenal · mind-boggling · mind-blowing · out of this world.

The definition is “occurring through divine or supernatural intervention, or manifesting such power:” and “highly improbable and extraordinary and bringing very welcome consequences”

These certainly are good descriptions of what has happened to the six speakers that will be sharing their stories with you on October 22nd at the Entrepreneurial Education Center in Wausau, WI.

The fact that any of them are in the frame of mind and have the ability to come and share their very personal stories with the audience is in itself a miracle. Most people would be too nervous, scared, embarrassed, ashamed or perhaps even angry to disclose to the world their feelings, the challenges they have had, the mistakes they made and the fear many of them still live in.

This event is going to offer listeners the HOPE that many, if not most people would lose if they were in these same situations. Go through the checklist and if you have had to deal with any of these things then check out the speaker profiles and come and listen to their stories on October 22nd to learn their definitions of the miracle of their recovery.


___ Substance abuse                  ___ Car accident                                               ___ Cancer-brain or otherwise

___ Physical/aexual abuse        ___ Being critically injured                            ___ Left in foster care

___ Unplanned pregnancy        ___ Beaten and abused                                   ___ Abandoned by everyone

___ Abortion                                ___ Fighting in a war                                       ___ Unable to walk

___ Divorce                                  ___ Watching your friends killed                  ___ Need others to care for you

___ Job loss                                  ___ Nearly being killed at war                       ___ Became Disabled

___ Rejected by family               ___ Contemplated suicide                              ___ Died and saw loved ones & Jesus

___ Always in pain                      ___ Went to college after a brain injury      ___ Turned to God as last resort

___ Tried to stay clean/sober    ___ Been made fun of                                     ___ Had to change your attitude

___ No purpose                           ___ Feeling alone and hopeless                    ___ Suicidal thoughts/attempts

___ Loss of a loved one             ___ Rejection from family and others          ___ Lost months/years of life

If you have checked any of these things, or you know others who could,  then you need to come and hear these six speakers. Click on the link to see & listen to what they have been through and why you should join this FREE event. They are taking their time and a risk to offer you HOPE. Please join us to find how to overcome all odds. We are here to offer HOPE!

Check out our speakers and event info here CLICK HERE 
