I wandered across a Netflix show today called “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo and it has changed my life. Marie is this tiny Asian lady who has a passion to spark joy in others through helping them tidy up their homes.
Tidy isn’t a word we hear much these days so I looked it up for those who may not be familiar with its meaning which the Cambridge Dictionary defines as “having everything ordered and arranged in the right place”
Marie’s strategy is to start with clothes and each person has to take all of their clothing and pile it in one place. They then were instructed to pick up each piece of clothing, hold it close and ask themselves if it sparks joy. Did it make them happy and give them a sense of peace thinking about having that item and putting it back in their closets. If not there were to let it go.
As I thought about this process I began looking around my home and all the STUFF we have that we keep talking about getting rid of. To be honest some of it not only doesn’t spark joy it annoys me! Why in the world is it still here? Why am I still moving it, dusting it, hanging it, tripping over it, paying for it?
I watched the transformation of two different families through their process of working with Marie. I noticed that they both had a BIG WHY for embarking on the process of change. They both had to look at their belongings and their lives from a different perspective. They had to change their thinking to decide what was most important. They did what Marie taught them and they would take their item, contemplate the joy sparking that it caused in them and then they would thank that item for serving them before offering back to where it would be stored or into a box to bless someone else or surrendering it to the recycle bin or compost pile.
Life should spark joy. The people we spend our time with should spark joy. Our jobs should spark joy. Our relationship with God should spark joy. We all long for that and when we don’t feel it we do all kinds of crazy things searching for that sense of peace and serenity that brings us joy.
So today I challenge you, my reader, to consider what sparks joy in you? I am talking about the deep long lasting kind, not just the “fun” of having a drink or popping a pill or indulging an urge. What would you like your life, your home, your job and your relationships to look and feel like? What are you doing to create that dream? If your life is messy and you are tired of it perhaps it’s time you hire a life coach to help you tidy up your life and find joy. I would love to spark joy in your life. Please sign up for a strategy session to see what you might need to do spark joy in your life and if/how i can help you in the process. Sign up for a FREE STRATEGY SESSION HERE.