STEP 1- We admitted we were powerless over our addictions (problems) and that our lives had become unmanageable.


Why does the notion of powerlessness bring such a bad feeling? Merriam/Webster Dictionary defines it as being “unable to act or achieve one’s purpose.”  I believe that until we realize we have a purpose we have no reason to admit defeat in accomplishing it because it would just make us feel more useless than we already do. If, however, God created us for HIS purposes to be His “instruments/faucets of hope” then isn’t His job to help us be what He created us to be? Indeed! So there you have the answer to being powerless! Once we realize we have someone who knows us better than we know ourselves and loves us more than anyone ever could because He created us, we can rest in His arms of grace as He carries us to  victory over those things that we could not do for ourselves.



Joshua 1:8  (NIV)

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.


God help me to remember that you are my way to success and your word is my instruction book to get there! Remind me that meditating on your word continually is the key to being prosperous and successful, not finding my own way to overcome the world.


My Child,

Day after day you get up and try to let me take charge of your day. But before long you step back in and go your own way. This is why I taught my servant Joshua the solution to that problem and that is to continue in my word day and night because only then will you be able to walk in my ways. I am always here to help you. I have sent my word and my servants to remind you of the hope I offer.  You are never alone or without the help you need to be victorious over the cunning, baffling and powerful ways of the enemy.  Call on me and I will give you rest.