Simple Solution To Making A Decision Have you ever had those times when you know you need to make a decision but it’s really painful to Have you ever had those times when you know you need to make a decision but it’s really painful to
I started working at my Aunt Bernice's grocery store when I was a young child, barely old enough to go to school,
They come and they go. Sometimes within days. Some even hours. Employees that you thought would retire are suddenly discontent and looking As my day begins Lord in this beautiful place watching your rising sun, remind me when the chaos starts
I've been trying to come up with a title for my new book and it's been a challenge to encapsulate what
-As a person who is Type A, Hyperactive and occasionally a little "hypo=manic" I find it nearly impossible to relax. But "relaxation"
CHANGE Some people love it. Some people hate it. We say that we need it. But we just don’t do
THE PROBLEM Why does the notion of powerlessness bring such a bad feeling? Merriam/Webster Dictionary defines it as being “unable to act
STEP 1- We admitted we were powerless over our addictions (problems) and that our lives had become unmanageable. DAY 1- THE
The I am right, you are wrong attitude has become our world view and we even have measurements, criteria, standards and grades
To change the world is not only possible, it’s inevitable. We all do it every day! Every word we speak and every